Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Super Smash Bros. Universe: Music Discussion


Alright, post hashtag4! 2day Wii will talk about every1's fa4ite subject, Moosic!


Sorry... xD

Anyway, what's up guys! Cherrim98 (or TheOfficialCherrim) here to bring you the 4th blog post. Today we will be talking about Music. There are over 600 (*Hype Intensifies*) songs in this game, with more to be added. Music is what makes this game so hype. It builds up the energy of players when they start the game. People like me, for example, can perform better at video games with just the right music.

I've never looped a song so many times before...

My favorite song? That's a REALLY tough question... I listened to most of the video game songs in history I kinda memorized them all. Call me crazy with a K, but my favorite comes from the Fire Emblem series. It's called "Coliseum Series Medley." It's a medley of the attack themes in the first and fourth Fire Emblem games. I, myself have also made a Retro version of this medley. Both of these songs play on the "Coliseum" stage. What is your favorite song? Let me know in the comments section.


Will I add anymore songs? Yes, I will. Like this one.

Take that!

Aren't there too many songs? There can never be too many.

Hold it!

Can you request some songs? You may.

Questions answered.

Remixes, Originals, and Medleys.

Some songs in this game are original, this means the song is unchanged from who it was originally composed by (Copyright though of course). This song from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time called "Gerudo Valley," has an original version in Smash Universe. 

"Gerudo Valley" also has a remix as well. A remix is a remastered version of the original song, it resembles the original song, but usually has more instruments and such.

Now, a Medley is a combination of multiple songs combined into one song. There are two types of medleys, a Medley and a Retro Medley. A Medley combines all the songs in it, but they are all remixed. Retro Medleys, however, combine the music that are original. For example, the Mega Man II Medley is a remix, while the Mega Man II Retro Medley is not.

This concludes today's post. Remember to leave a comment and follow this blog. Also, subscribe to my YouTube channel at TheOfficialCherrim. Lastly, the download link for this game can be found at this page right here:

YouTube channel link:

"May the Elder Gods watch over you." -Raiden


  1. What goes into making your own Retro Medley? Do the songs you add play one after the other, or did you make them flow into eachother?

    1. It really depends on which song. As "Coliseum Series Retro Medley" pplays after another and "Mega Man II Retro Medley" flows into each other.

  2. #4
    I like how you go back and forth between yourself and an expected response.

  3. Add another 400 songs Aaron.

  4. I liked everything I still want to play your game lol.

  5. This is an excellent blog.
